On a scale never before possible.

Gain access to a new corporate funding source from the largest group of charitably minded merchants ever assembled. Your donors shop as they normally do, in-store or online, and merchants direct a percentage of each purchase to you — your new residual revenue stream.

1. Get the word out

Contact your supporters and they enroll for free.

2. Donors shop

Donors shop with participating merchants in-store or online.

3. Merchants give back

Merchants return a percentage of each purchase – up to 20%.

4. You receive funds

Donations are sent to you on your donor’s behalf.

Free to participate.

There is no fee for you or your supporters to participate. The merchants pay for the program and since Shop & Support is a 501(c)3 organization, 100% of the donation is sent to you.

When 5,000 constituents spend only $200 per month, your monthly contributions could be $20,000 or more.

Easy to implement.

We do all the heavy lifting — providing turnkey marketing materials, technical infrastructure, and execute the program on your behalf. We administer collection and processing, and report results so everyone can see the power of the program.

No compromising.

The first program of its kind that overcomes the barriers that often prevent charities from benefiting from this ever-growing revenue stream. We never compromise your relationship with your supporters.

Doesn’t pressure your constituents into buying something.

Your database is never released and stays private.

Doesn’t require the endorsement of a third party.

Avoids unrelated business tax or commercial co­ventures.

Chances are, you are already listed.

Shop & Support includes all IRS approved 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations. Enroll today and see if your organization is listed.

Learn more how you can tap into this significant new funding stream.

Learn More

Ready to get the word out?

Download graphics and sample resources from our free Marketing Tool Kit.

Marketing Tool Kit